Banner ads
Target your audience
Are you looking for a partner to target and reach the Danish and Scandianvian travel industry? Look no further – Travelmedia Nordics digital platforms has the highest reach and by far the largest audience in the market enabling us costumize campaigns with high visibility and penetration reaching both B2C and B2B users.
Travelmedia Nordic offers a range of banner advertisement possibilities in order to costumize your message, brand and product in the right size and design. We help targeting specific sectors fx. aviation, car rental, tourism and travel agents.

Content is king
Do you have an in-depth message you want to get across to an audience in the Danish and Scandinavian travel trade? Through Travelmedia Nordics advertorials you have an exellent opportunity to harvest the benefits of an article-like message boosting credability and branding.
Our advertorials not only serve as a unique opportunity here and now, but it also offers significant benefits to your linkbuilding and SEO in the long run. STANDBY.DK and CHECK-IN.DK both have a very strong back link structure with links from the most credible news sites in Scandinavia which results in high page authority.
Newsletter ads
One-to-one marketing
Every morning at 06:00 on all weekdays the newsletter from CHECK-IN.DK reach 8,000 users directly in the inbox on the desktop computer, tablet or smartphone.
On 12:00 nearly the same number of newsletters are sent from STANDBY.DK with latest news from the travel industry in Denmark and the Nordics.
By placing an ad in the newletter you will get the full attention from our users during a moment of the day, when they are open to new impressions.

Job postings
Let us help find your next employee
Are you looking for your next employee in the travel, hospitality and aviation industry? With our media you will have the full reach of targeting and attracting the right candidates to the recruitment process.
Travelmedia Nordics jobmarket is the most extensive and well consolidated in the Danish travel trade industry.
Don’t miss the opportunity to strenghthen your companys employer branding in the travel trade even using a combination of ads in our newsletter and job market postings.
Partner directory
Wanna be found?
Many companies in the Danish and Nordic travel industry are aware of the importance of being a part of the content of CHECK-IN.DK and STANDBY.DK.
In the Partner Directory our readers find our partners. And your company can become our partner, too. Because it is a wise choice to be visible in the right connection and with the right audience.
More importantly is the effect of placing a link on our sites, as it offers significant benefits to your linkbuilding and SEO in the long run.
CHECK-IN.DK and STANDBY.DK both have a very strong back link structure with links from the most credible news sites in Scandinavia, which results in high page authority.

Stay updated on the industry?
It is more important than ever that travel professionals has an updated knowledge of what is happening in a travel industry that is constantly changing.
Knowledge is power, and you can buy this for as little as DKK 2 per day, if you subscribe to the news stories from CHECK-IN.DK and STANDBY.DK that are behind a paywall.
We offer tailormade solutions for your company, if you have 10, 100 or 1,000 employees, who are required to have access to the latest news from the Aviation and Travel Industry.